Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pressies gotten from colleagues and friends at work. Woohoo~ what strong sharing and giving culture!
Presents gotten on the last work day before Christmas, 2006
Before: Wrapped and mysterious
After: Revealed! Some were really surprises! (Try doing a item-to-item match)
Clutch-bag from supervisor; Crunchie & Timeout from being top in the games (yay, tks to your cat-fiercy trader me heh); Bath & Bloom body lotion and shower gel - from $10 gift exchange at our Christmas party tonight.
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Truffles from the innocent young girl SS; Swiss chocolates from the Chocolate Monster; "cigarettes", matchbox, Renoma wallet, Precious Moments bath towel from the woman who understands me so well - Joyce; Vitasence from fellow Ah Yun, another who knows exactly what I want! Ah such warm feeling..
Tea infusion & pu er tea leaves from big-hearted pumpkin car-driver (heh); cutesy turtle from the lady in office who shares the same birth date; cherry and liquor candies in wine glass from again the first-above-mentioned lady in this paragrah.
WOo hoo, exactly what I've been wanting to change this season/festive mood! How does she know?


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